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Several life events including my Dad's perseverance through cancer, and the birth of my son have contribute to my desire to be an empowered consumer.  I was shocked to discover that manufactures of personal care products are allowed to use almost any ingredient they wish without safety approval from an independent oversight or regulatory organization.  Many of these ingredients are chemicals that are linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, allergies, and immunotoxicity, even biochemical and cellular changes in our bodies.  These ingredients are pervasive in everything from shampoo to toothpaste, lotions to sunscreens, and every kind of cosmetic!  This new level of awareness motivated me to be more thoughtful in my consumer behavior, to vote more carefully with my hard-earned dollars, and to work toward eliminating as many potentially dangerous chemicals and substances from my home as possible.  When I became a Mom for the first time in 2011 I also experienced a deep need to create a home environment for my family that focuses on health, well-being, sustainability, and stewardship of our little piece of this precious Earth.

Looking Up...a Be Empowered Attitude!
I am a motivated, concerned Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Community member who has seen up close and personal the increase and effects of cancer, chronic illness, syndromes, and ill health in my family and community...and I'm simply not willing to take it all as a "fact of life." We all to easily become placated, assured, and quite simply put, manipulated by industries, corporations, and big business who do not have our best interests in mind, but do have their bottom line in mind. I'm not here to blame or whine. It is my passion that the people I love and care about are EMPOWERED to make consumer decisions that have a positive impact on their families and communities! That's what this blog is all about! Won't you join me in spreading the word?

-Sarah Jo 


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