
Thursday, October 25, 2012

5 Ways to Fight Germs the "Old-School" Way

It's cold & flu season...time to gear up for fighting germs!  By now it's no secret that the consumer marketplace is inundated with antibacterial products.  You've probably even heard that the ubiquitous nature of antibiotics and antibacterial agents are resulting in super-germs that are treatment resistant.  Clearly this is not a good thing for the long-term health of our greater population.  Equally as alarming are the dangers of synthetic chemicals used in our soaps, personal care, and consumer products that make them "antibacterial." 

Triclosan is one of those nasty chemical compounds.  Triclosan is an endocrine disruptor that can bio-accumulate in the body, and can weaken the immune system.  In fact the FDA is currently reviewing the safety of triclosan.  Buyer is found in a TON of products.  If it touts "antibacterial" properties check the label for triclosan. 

Let's commit to fighting germs old-school!  [Yes, it's effective]

Wash hands frequently with plain old soap and water.  Choose soap that is free of potentially harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrance.  We love Vermont Soap Organics!  The scrubbing action is really important for eliminating don't just do a "rinse."  Teach your kiddos to wash their hands frequently.  Avoid alcohol based hand sanitizers which dry the skin, can cause skin and eye irritation, and contribute to treatment resistant germs.  If you just have to have the convenience check out a healthy alternative: Ava Anderson Hand Sanitizer

Clean frequently touched surfaces like tables, counter tops, sinks, etc...daily.  [Don't forget phones and digital devices!] Remember to avoid cleaning products with potentially harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrance.  We love plain old white vinegar.  I keep a spray bottle full next to the sink. Looking for alternatives at the grocery store?  Check out Seventh Generation.

Prepare meals and snacks for your family that promote health and healing.  Increase antioxidant rich fresh fruits and vegetables.  East a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.  Eat regularly [small meals throughout the day].  Drink lots of water.  Avoid processed, fatty, sugary foods.

30 minutes of moderate exercise 2-3 times a week helps keep your immune system schedule in a walk...why not do it as a family!  Along the way get in a game of "I Spy," or collect leaves, or identify birds...whatever tickles your fancy!

The average American diet is unlikely to supply all of the needed vitamins and minerals.  Invest in your health with a good multivitamin.  Talk to your doctor or health care provider about which is best for you.

We'd love to hear about your "old-school" germ fighting tips.

Be Empowered!